
Counter allows to count a discrete number of elements using the help of your iPhone

Counter Counter allows to count a discrete number of elements using the help of your iPhone
Current Release
RELEASE 1.1.2 (Aug. 22, 2022)
Requires iOS:
iOS 10
Optimized for:
iOS 15
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Counter allows to count a discrete number of elements using the help of your iPhone or iPad to avoid any error. Counter is a must when having the right result is mandatory and your fingers are not enough.


  • To count element simply touch the +1 button at any occurrence
  • If a precise result is mandatory, you can set to have a confirmation request before adding +1 to the total
  • You can also subtracts elements
  • Counter adapts to the size and orientation of your devices from the smallest iPhone to the larger iPad
  • Reset to 0 at any time
  • Solves any kind of situation where you have to enumerate a total number of elements (physical of abstract) and you want to be sure the process will be error free.
  • Simply and effective


  • Displays the totals in clear big size font
  • Optional minus button
  • Optional confirmation request of any add and subtract or reset operation
  • Optional audio feedback for any unit you add (so you are sure you accomplished the addition when you want to do it).
  • Keeps the value counted over relaunch until you decide to reset it.
  • Gives you confidence you didn’t make mistakes in counting any kind of discrete elements (specially when counting them exactly is mandatory).
  • MacOS equivalent application available in the Mac App Store


  • Requires iOS 10 or successive
  • Optimized for iOS 15
  • Works both for any iPhone and any iPAD, any screen size
  • Optimized for the latest generation iOS devices
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