Triangle Utility

Engineering and technical triangle computation

Triangle Utility Engineering and technical triangle computation
Current Release
RELEASE 1.1 (Sept. 16, 2014)
Requires iOS:
iOS 7.1
Optimized for:
iOS 7.1
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Triangle Utility is an application for iPhone and ipod Touch to solve engineering problems via a triangle computation.
It allows you to solve 3 different technical problems using a triangle calculation.
Using the bottom tab bar the user can switch at any moment from one problem to another maintaining the data used in of the 3 different problems.
The first Triangle Utility can solve, is calculating the distance of a point without accessing it. this as example as a remote point which is unpractical to measure distance to for various reason, as example because it is in an area you have no right to access or because it's simply too distant to use a direct measurement or is located on the other side of a river and so on.To measure the distance of the remote point, s3 in the figure, (it can be at hundreds of meters/feet)
The second problem you can solve is calculating the distance of two remote point s1 and s2 between them without having to physically access them. (You are in s3) You need to know the distance of each of this point from your position s3.
Third method is plain simple, you can access or measure the distance of 3 side of a triangle and want to know the angles of the triangle. It is enough to insert the measurements of the the 3 sides and the application will calculate the inner angles of the triangle.
Copyright © Roberto Panetta. All right reserved. Ecleti di Panetta Salvatore Roberto P.IVA:IT10337860968